Thursday, 23 August 2012

Day:236, Words:236

At 11.30, the whole school population met at the primary school for the official opening. The headmaster gave one of his motivating speeches and recited a poem to mark the occassion. The two small school starters stood up the front with their new orange school bags and looked proud, excited and slighty terrified, all at the same time. The teachers were introduced, along with all of the other staff that help make the school a smooth running organisation....most of the time. The rest of the day was a relaxing welcome to the new school year with smiles and no conflicts. Let's hope it lasts!

The members of the old boys football group meet reqularily, yet over the summer, they had not managed to meet. Tonight a few of them arrived at the football ground to see if they could assemble enough to put together a social kick about. The first team and the old boys combined to play a 5 on 5 game to get the blood pumping a little.

A generous Øksfjord resident had a lucky day on the fjord, pulling in over 20 good sized coal fish. His catch was too big for his freezer, so he made stops, delivering a massive fish to each house in the area. Needless to say, some families will be having fried fish, boiled fish, fish cakes, fish fingers and fish soup over the next couple of weeks.


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