Monday, 9 July 2012

Day:191,Words:191: Øksfjordians on holiday!

Fair is fair, I, like the next man, enjoy a spell of real warmth during the summer months, which is why, like many, we chose the southern European holiday option above staying home in the very pretty, yet meteorilogically unpredictable Northern Norway.

As the Øksfjordian family shuffled once again through the dusty Roman ruins in search of a refreshing drink and a bite to eat, the gaze drifted from the oncoming bustling Turkish motorists to the digital clock outside of a hotel. 50 degrees read the digital sign! No wonder we were sweating like the proverbials. A certain sense of pride and achievement was felt by the Øksfjordians as they collapsed at the first available shady restaurant.

Meanwhile, back home in Øksfjord, the complaints are of a different nature. Disgrunted, home holidayers, have finally lost patience and vented their anger on the social networking scene. The old wives tales and various weather rules have been proven to be as correct as the previous four doomsday predictions. A 40 degree differential between Turkey and Øksfjord is not to be scoffed at. Yet the motto reads....we know where we live!


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