With a flock of kids and a day of rain approaching the executive desicion was made to take a drive to the glorious valley in Nordreisa. The rain held off and the traditional fire was lit for the cooking of the summer sausages. Meanwhile, a group of middle aged fishermen stood in the river collecting large salmon and sipping cans of beer. The only minus was in the form of over aggressive mosquitoes that attaked in large swarms and forced all to cover up any naked skin areas.
Saturday dinner was at the prize winning Bios restaurant. Voted best in Norway for 2 years running, the eatery hosts thousands of international tourists during summer and locals all year round.The big boys enjoyed Saturday snacks, coke and films in the cosy caravan, before tired heads finally hit the pillow at 1 am.
Meanwhile as the charter season hits full swing, an over enthusiastic man, who boarded in Tromsø on his way to the Canary Islands, was forced to leave the plane at a stop over in Oslo following an over indulgence of pre holiday beverages. The incident is not uncommon and many make good use of the bar situated next to the boarding gate.
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