Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Day:192, Words:192: Øksfjordians on holiday!

I wonder if the locals wake up every morning, open the window, look toward the heavens and mutter "Looks, like it's going to be a warm one." The sight of road workers, and taxi drivers in cars without air conditioning, makes me want to stick my head in a bucket sized Mojito. They work terribly long days too. Yesterday, I had to step over a sleeping shop assistant to get to the milk. Even the dogs look exhausted spread out on the pavement, toungues out in the shade. The staff at the hotel, looking after he needs of the holidaying Øksfjordians are as hard working and dedicated as they come. They start from as early as 7, cleaning the pool side as the first of the guests race down with towels in order to secure the best positioned sunbeds, before retiring to their rooms for an extra 3 hours sleep.

The energetic staff, mostly young men in their early 20s, flirt with the girls all day long, chase the young kids, push each other into the pool, yet still find time to offer first class food and drink service with a smile.


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