Thursday, 6 September 2012


Today was a day of survival. Having returned from the glacier at a little past midnight, students and teachers alike shuffled in zombie like motion throughout the school day. It was a later than expected arrival in Øksfjord as the fast boat had been delayed, leaving most of the kids to enjoy a cold and rainy hour on the jetty. Earlier, the afternoon was spent sweeping the school's library, kitchen and gymnasium and stuffing old sweaty clothes into their seemingly shrinking backpacks. After a long day on the ice, the tired and weary bodied students moped down to the jetty to wait for the 'Hurtigbåten' to come and take them home to their comfy beds. As the boat was not in sight, a panic started to overcome the bunch as talk of another night on the Langfjordhamn gym floor became a distinct possibilty. One of the girls, who was talking to her mother, received the information that the boat was over an hour late. The rain continued and just after midnight, parents were guiding the grateful teenages into the warm cars.

There was the odd adolescent moan as some of the kids thought it dreadfully unfair that they be made to come to school after the exhausting trip to Langfjordhamn. Mind you, as is the system here, they will be duly compensated for their 'hard work' on the ice with a couple of extra days off later in the year. Life sure is tough here in Øksfjord! In my day.....


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