Friday, 28 September 2012

Day:272, Words:272

There was an air of anticipation in Øksfjord today as it was last day before the annual autumn holiday. The school kids are the only ones who have the entire week off, although many take their holidays now. It makes sense to have a break now. The snow will soon arrive and life will change. It provides the opportunity for a last chance escape to a warmer area. Some prefer to use it as an opportunity to prepare for the winter. The firewood needs to be stacked, the boats need to be taken off the water and stored, the winter clothes need to be made accessible, the skis and sleds come out of hiding and the snow shovels need to be within reach. Trampolines are disassembled, car tyres are swapped from summer tread to the metal spiked winter version. The soccer goals are stored away and any last building or painting tasks are completed.

It is a time of transition.

Once again, this family is waiting for the car to be released from the mechanic's workshop. It needed a new thingymajig and one was orderd from Alta. After the vehicle had been stripped bare, ready for the new thingymajig to be inserted, it was discovered that it was the wrong sized thingymajig. In preference to undoing all of the hard work of taking the car apart, a replacement car was offered until the correct sized thingymajig arrived from Alta. The car is old and cute and has no power steering. It makes weird, rattling noises, struggles up hills and feels slightly unreliable. I feel like I'm 18 again and I love it.


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