Sunday, 16 September 2012

Day:260, Words:260

It is that time of the year when everyone is in that kind of transition between summer and winter. The trampoline needs to be taken down, the tents need to be diassembled and the boat needs to be stored away in the garage at the expense of the car. Thd kids have clearly put summer beyond them and they are relentless in their questioning. " When is the snow coming, when can we go skiing". The sad reality is that in the last few years, the snow has not really sat until Christmas time. Last year on Christmas eve, it rained all day making for a soggy rather white Christmas.

The women of Norway have had lately their noses in the latest literary sensation to be translated from English. The erotic literature phenomenon ' Fifty shades of grey' has hit the stands in steamy Norwegian, allowing Øksfjordian ladies to indulge in what millions have done in the U.S, England and Australia.

As the clouds parted for a short while allowing the shy blue sky to show itself briefly, the decision was made to pack the kids in the boat for a last trip of the year. The boat provides no cover whatsoever and is what might be described as a good weather vessel. The fishing rods also made the journey, although within ourselves we knew that they would serve little purpose. The conditions were a little bouncy, a seagull teased us by easily acquiring his dinner and we returned back to the harbour safely, yet cold, slightly wet and fishless!



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