Friday, 8 June 2012

Day:160, Words:160

Following the musical success last night, the attention turns to the sporting field. Tomorrow, Vassdalen football stadium will play host to the annual Øksfjord football tournament for the mosquito and the mini classes. This will be the first competitive outing for the six to nine year olds from Øksfjord this year. The tournament is considered one of the best organised locally and a record number of teams have registered for this year's competition. We cross our collective fingers for weather that hopefully resembles summer more than winter...

The mountain climbing season is underway and the dedication is somewhat contagious. There are half a dozen letter boxes scattered around tracks, in valleys and on the top of various peaks, that contain important notebooks. These books contain the names of everyone who has reached the point since June 1st. After the summer months, the books are collected, the numbers are tallied and prizes are distributed to the well exercised folks of Øksfjord.


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