Monday, 11 June 2012

Day:163, Words:163

The year 10s will have a restless night as they shall discover tomorrow if they are to attend an oral exam on Friday. If so, they will also discover which subject they will need to study for and present. Each student is likely to sit one oral exam before the summer break. In late August the majority of these students will leave the Øksfjord nest for the metropolis of Alta, or perhaps Tromsø to finish their last three years of high school.

The exam system can be terribly unfair, with some receiving their favoured subject, while others will be thrown into a maths, science, German or English nightmare. Some fortunate souls somehow manage to escape the horrid process all together.The oral exam is a presentation from the student in front of their teacher and an independent examinator, whose job it is to throw curveball questions at the quivering student.

Whatever the case, life as we know it, will almost certainly go on.


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