The 16 kids who are attending their final year at Høgtun School in Øksfjord undertook the oral exam today in either science or social studies. They had prepared well, worked hard and by the mid afternoon, were a relieved bunch of smiling teenagers. They will enjoy their last few days at school next week, before we bid them goodbye and wish them the best of luck for the future.
The rest of the school enjoyed an activity day in the Vassdalen area. The student council took responsibilty for the day's arrangements, which included an orienteering task, an natural art competition and drama. The kids, big and small worked together well, creating a fantastic atmosphere in the not so summerly weather conditions.
The Oslo newspapers have begun their annual announcements of the forthcoming 'Super Summer' for the entire country. The predictable forecast suggests that here in the north, the late start to the bbq season, will be adequately compensated by an extended period of delightful warmth.
We'll see!
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