Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Day:178, Words:178

Although never reaching the stressful levels of Bangkok, Tokyo or New York, the amount of road traffic increases drastically over the summer months. Tourists in their enormous vehicles chug up the highway, following confusing, misleading signs in search of a quiet camping spot or an unobscured view of the magnificent glacier. These boxy, slow, road hogging, motorized beasts hail from many parts including Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France and Sweden. By dragging their accommodation with them and camping nearby a handy fishing spot, they avoid some of the relatively high costs associated with hoildaying in Norway.

The kindergarten held its summer party today before staff and children begin to filter out to various southbound destinations. The outdoor barbeque was a chilly affair with around seven degrees and soul freezing arctic winds. At a time when sandles, shorts and t-shirts should be enjoyed, the kidlets were wrapped up in woolly hats, gloves and rain suits. However there is no need to fret as the the ever reliable weather websites and southern media outlets promise glorious warmth and sunshine around the corner.


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